Is there a cheaper alternative to stabilize soft soils than using geosynthetics and layers of gravel?
Gravel and geosynthetic products are very expensive and large amounts are often needed to stabilize particularly soft soil. Additionally, overexcavation and export of these soft and usually wet soil needs to be performed and this material generally needs to be disposed as it is not usually fill material. In many cases, cement-treating the soft soils is a more practical and economic approach to stabilization. If the area is relatively large, cement-treatment of the upper approximately 10 to 15 inches of soil will likely be less costly than overexcavating and placing geosynthetic products and layers of gravel. This approach has been adopted frequently for troublesome roadway subgrades. In addition to stabilizing the roadway subgrade, the cement treatment also provides structural support characteristics that can be calculated and accommodated in the design. There a few specialty contractors that perform cement treatment and they are usually willing to provide free estimates so that you can judge whether your site is appropriate for this approach.